

COVID-19 news is changing rapidly and we are all trying to stay on top of the latest medical information from trusted sources. Join experts in the medical field for free CME webinars covering what we know about the coronavirus outbreak.


10/1/2021 - Seeking COVID-19 Equality

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10/1/2021 - Seeking COVID-19 Equality

Aimalohi Ahonkhai, MD, MPH and Charles Vega, MD discuss what we can do to address COVID-19 inequalities. Topics: *Vaccination inequalities *How social determinants of health determine COVID-19 risk *How variants are impacting treatment decisions *Real COVID-19 patient stories

Credit available: 1.0 of AMA or ANCC


Charles Vega, MD

Clinical Professor, Family Medicine
School of Medicine
Director, UC Irvine Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC), Family Medicine
School of Medicine
Associate Dean
School of Medicine
University of California, Irvine

Aima A. Ahonkhai, MD, MPH​
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
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