

Dr. Auwaerter explains the key data on COVID-19 including epidemiology, imunopathogenesis, risk factors, and best practices for transmission prevention.

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2/26/2021 - Epidemiology 101 Slides

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2/26/2021 - Epidemiology 101

Dr. Auwaerter describes our fundamental understanding of COVID-19 transmission, disease course, and potential routes for treatment. Topics: *SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis *Viral variants: UK, Japan/Brazil, and South Africa *Where do infections occur? *Disease burden and risk factors *COVID-19 phases and interventions


Paul G. Auwaerter, MD, MBA, FIDSA

Clinical Director, Division of Infectious Diseases​​
Sherrilyn and Ken Fisher Professor of Medicine​​
Fisher Center for Environmental Infectious Diseases
​​ Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine